Andrzej Wasilewski

Andrzej Wasilewski (b. 1975)
Graduate of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.

In his self-critical work he ponders whether creations that emerge do not destroy their own meaning through their function as media of information. Do they mean anything at all (interactive video-installation and mechanical transfusion)? His realizations touch upon the issues of selfishness and narcissism (his multi-theme project jamoje [memine]), the creation of cultural fetishes and seduction by artificial and fictional icons (pin-ups). He documents the processes of destruction and observes the passage of time (projects c.d.n.n. [not to be continued] and the cykle [cycles] project, created with Dorota Chilińska). He is interested in the undesirable, embarrassing side of life, exclusion and provinciality. He constructed a model of such a situation with Dorota Chilińska: Życie jest gdzie indziej [life is elsewhere] filling the space of the gallery completely with old wooden planks and in doing so creating a Kafkaesque maze of corridors and tunnels.
In the video-installation obraz i podobieństwo [image and likeness] he discussed the issue of the relationship between a word and its designate, a picture and its image, devaluation of these notions, being lost in the multitude of pictures proliferated in all possible manners (reproduced, copied, multiplied).

He also co-created with Dorota Chilińska an audiovisual project: error, which is based on the manipulation of an image (electronic spectra of an image generated by oscilloscopes, intervening in the film’s texture), the application of acoustic phenomena (Doppler effect, resonance, etc.) and observation of distortions in the reception of the reality.
He uses electronic devices: motion sensors, photocells, control microchips, LCDs and LEDs, oscilloscopes as well as wailing or humming devices, or those generating subliminal sounds, which are frequently not received by the human ear, but absorbed by the subconscience.

He collaborates with his sister Maria Wasilewska (including activities in the urban space SRAAS – Extremely Radical Anti-System Action).
Andrzej Wasilewski construes electronic objects/installations, he creates generated (via the medium of video) and painted images and designs, and records sounds.

Exhibitions (selected):


– Wasn’t Built in a Day, Bunkier Art Gallery, Kraków

– MADE [IN] READY – MADE [IN] SZCZECIN, Trafostacja Sztuki, Szczecin


– Whatever you come up with about yourself, Trafostacja Sztuki, Szczecin

– Little whirlpools out in the middle of the ocean, as part of the Music Design Form Festival, Level 4 Gallery, Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic, Szczecin


– The New Dictionary of Old Ideas,  Trafostacja Sztuki, Szczecin


– Kwiaty zła, Państwowa Galeria Sztuki w Sopocie

– SzIT Szkoła Ins Talacji, Szczeciński Loft Kultury, Szczecin

– Uncanny Valleys of a Possible Future, Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien, Berlin


– Festiwal sztuki audiowizualnej TETRAMATYKA, Lwów

– Na druhé straně (zrcadla):Současná polská malba, ROblastní galerie Vysočiny, Jihlava (Czech Republic)


– NARRACJE Festival #8, Gdańsk

– Mediations Biennale, Poznań

– Anarchy and new art. 100th Anniversary of Dada. Ehxibition of artists of the Faculty of Painting and New Media at Szczecin Academy of Art, Centre of Polish Art, Oronsko


– Relacje odwrotne, Miejski Ośrodek Sztuki, Gorzow Wielkopolski

– Tak, to to tak. Visual onomatopoeic action, Skład Solny, Cracow

– billboard “Les Fleurs du Mal”, Punkt Sztuki, Gorzow Wielkopolski

– Przejście graniczne, Galeria Biała, Lublin

– State of Life. Polish Contemporary Art within a Global Circumstance, National Art Museum of China, Beijing

– Ars Moriendi/Sztuka umierania, BWA, Olsztyn

– Ars Moriendi/Sztuka Umierania, BWA, Tarnow

– Who makes Europe, Gdańsk City Gallery, Gdańsk, Poland

– PENvolution, KUBUS Städliche Galerie, Hannover, Germany


-Medialny Stan Wyjątkowy 3: Powrót do szkoły, The Museum of Contemporary Art/part of National Museum, Szczecin, Poland

-Pen-volution, part of  Mediations Biennale Festival, Galeria MM, Poznań, Poland

-Wielka kumulacja, Andersia Hotel, casino Casinos Poland, Poznań, Poland

-Les fleur du mal, second part of annexe to exhibition ARENA „The Silence of Marcel Duchamp is Overrated”, Center of Contemporary Art „Znaki Czasu”, Toruń, Poland



– Warsaw Gallery Weekend, M2 Gallery, Warszawa, Poland

– Microutopias of the everyday, exhibition of the collection of CoCA Torun, CSW, Toruń, Poland

– Les fleurs du mal, Piekary Gallery, Poznań, Poland (solo)

– Ouroboros, Zona Sztuki Aktualnej, IFoVA inSPIRACJE. genesis, Szczecin, Poland

– Pavilion 0 – transnational pavilion of a country which does not exist of a common future of utopia, Palazzo Donà, Venice, Italy

– Drawing Music, Silownia Gallery, Poznań, Poland


– Artificial Fullmoon, Wroclaw Contemporary Museum

– Cosmopolitan Stranger. Hotel de Inmigrantes 2, Armand Hertzstraat 35, Hasselt, Belgium

– Medialny stan wyjątkowy, National Museum, Szczecin, Poland

– Sacred Mobiles, Gdańska Galeria Miejska, Gdańsk, Poland

– BAROPHOBIA, Skład Solny, Kraków, Poland

– Medialny stan wyjątkowy, Galeria EL, Elbląg, Poland

– Transfuzja 3, digital_ia.12, 13 muz, Szczecin, Poland

– Sacred Mobiles, Gdańska Galeria Miejska, Gdańsk, Poland

– Nothing in Common, Scope, New York, USA


– Going Green, Crossing Art Gallery, Nowy Jork

– Andrzej Wasilewski i Dorota Chilińska, Side Effects, XX1 Gallery, Warszawa

– love will tear us apart, galeria m2, Warszawa, Poland

– skutki uboczne, Galeria XX1, Warszawa, Poland

– tolerancja błędu, Otwarta Pracownia, Kraków, Poland

– Gute Nachbarschaft? Deutsche Motive in der polnischen Gegenwartskunst / Polnische Motive in der deutschen Gegenwartskunst, Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien, Berlin, Germany

– ArtVilnius’11, Vilnius, Lithuania

– Survival 9, Park S. Tołpy, Wrocław, Poland


– PINK PONG, Willa Lentza, Szczecin

– The Prague contemporary festival Tina B. – solutions and evolution /platonic lives

– Mediations Biennale, Poznań, Poland

– ARTESANTANDER, art fair, Santnader, Spain

– pin-ups, Zona Gallery, Łódź, Poland

– feedback (with Maria Wasilewska), Galeria 2.0, Warszawa, Poland

– 6. Glamour InSPIRACJE, Szczecin, Poland

– Coexistence, Tembi Contemporary, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


– Epidemic. The Cultural Image of a Disease, Zona Gallery, Łódź, Poland

– Lucim alive, Center of Contemporary Art, Toruń, Poland

– Phantoms and Fetishes, ABC Gallery, Poznań, Poland

– agal hazahab, CSW Łaznia, Gdańsk, Poland

– Hidden 3, IF Galery Museum Inner Space, Poznań, Poland

– re,- re,- rewitalizacja, Muzeum L. Wyczółkowskiego, Bydgoszcz, Poland

– Slick 09, Centquarte, Paris, France

– Erased Walls – Contemporary Art in Central and Eastern Europe, Preises Museum, Berlin, Germany

– Mixed Media Art Communication, 10-box Gallery, Sendai, Japan

– Performance Festival, Aizu Art College, Mishima, Japan

– MMAC International Exhibition, Yamabiko Gallery, Mishima, Japan

– Looking for a NEW EARTH, Sojo Gallery, Kumamoto, Japan

– The First International Contemporary Art Fair ArtVilnius’09,

Lithuaniar Exhibition Centre LITEXPO, Vilnius, Lithuania

– Art After Hours, CSW Łaźnia, Gdańsk, Poland


– Sztuka po godzinach [art after hours], Galeria Promocji

  Młodych, BOK, Łódź, Poland

– Sexhibicja [sexhibition], Studio ACH! Stowarzyszenie Pracowni

  Twórczych, Warszawa, Poland

– Mów do mnie. Jeszcze [speak to me, more], BWA Studio, Wrocław, Poland

– Trzecia odsłona (wystawa kolekcji Dolnośląskiego Towarzystwa

  Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych) [the third part ( the exhibition of the

  collection of the Dolnośląskie Towarzystw Zachęty Sztuk

  Pięknych), Muzeum Architektury, Wrocław, Poland

– eksperyment nequitum [experiment nequitum], Galeria Manhattan,

  Łódź, Poalnd

– eksperyment arbiterium [experiment nequitum], Galeria Piekary,

  Poznań, Poland

– 5 Triennale Młodych [5th triennale of youth], Centrum Rzeźby

  Polskiej, Orońsko, Poland


– c.d.n.n. [not to be continued], Galeria XX1 (with Maria

  Wasilewska), Warszawa, Poland

– Survival 5, Wrocław, Poland

– II IN OUT, CSW Łaźnia, Gdańsk, Poland

– Festiwal Form Audio-Wizualnych i Multimedialnych TRANSVIZUALIA


– Życie jest gdzie indziej [life is elsewhere], Galeria Dla…

  with Dorota Chilińska), Toruń, Poland

– Przeciąg Festiwal Sztuki Młodych [festival of young art draft],

  Zamek Książąt Pomorskich, Szczecin, Poland

– Bielska Jesień, Galeria Bielska BWA, Bielsko-Biała, Poland

– error_002: perpetuum soundscreen mobile, BWA Studio, Wrocław, Poland


– TRANSFUZJA_#01 (betatest) [transfusion_#01 (betatest)], Galeria

  ON, Poznań, Poland

– TRANSFUZJA_#02 (alfa) [transfusion_#02 (alpha)], Galeria

  Oranżeria Centrum Rzeźby Polskiej, Orońsko, Poland

– Screen Festiwal Sztuki Internetu Wyobraźnia Ekranu, Galeria

  Dla… [screen festival of Internet art screen imagination],

  Toruń, Poland

– Konstmässan, Expo Center, Stockholm, Sweden

– Unga polska konstnärer, Polska Instituten, Sztokholm, Sweden

– error (liveact with Grupa HATI Recycled Magick Soundsystem),

  29.10.2006 Klub NRD, Toruń (z Dorotą Chilińską), 10.10.2006 IF

  Museum Inner Spaces, Poznań,Poland; 22.09.2006 Mózg [brain],

  Bydgoszcz,Poland;13-14.09.2006 Krzywa Wieża, Toruń, Poland

– Obrazy jak malowane [like painted pictures], Galeria Bielska

  BWA, Bielsko-Biała, Poland


– jamoje [memine], Galeria Krytyków Pokaz, Warszawa, Poland

– 6 Krajowa Wystawa Malarstwa Młodych / 7 Konkurs im. Eugeniusza

  Gepperta [6th national youth painting exhibition / 7th

  Eugeniusz Geppert’s contest], BWA Awangarda Wrocław, Poland

– I Biennale Młodej Sztuki Europejskiej Supermarket Sztuki V/1 –

  Toleruj mnie [1st biennale of young European art – art

  supermarket V/1 – tolerate me], Galeria Program, Warszawa, Poland

– Tidsvittnen, Polska Instituten, Stockholm, Sweden

– Zeitzeugnisse, Polnisches Institut, Berlin, Germany

– Rozpoznanie – demontaż doświadczeń [recognition – dismantling

  experience], Galeria Arsenał, Poznań, Galeria Bielska BWA,

  Bielsko-Biała, Poland


– 1 Międzynarodowy Festiwal Sztuk Wizualnych

  Wschód_Zachód_Północ_Południe – W poszukiwaniu wertykalnego

  horyzontu [1st international festival of visual art east-west-

  north-south – in search of the vertical horizon], Galeria Szyb

  Wilson, Katowice, Poland

– fałszowanie przedmiotów sztuki [falsification of objects of

  art], Galeria nad Wisłą, Toruń, Poland


– Genius loci, warehouse of „Merinotex” S.A., Toruń, Poland

– nic [nothing], Galeria Sztuki Wozownia, Toruń, Poland

– zapuszkowanie [canning], Galeria Krytyków Pokaz, Warszawa, Poland

– suB/human/lives/culture/SCAPES, Kein Bestandteil Sein (Squat),

  Berlin, Germany

– Bielska Jesień, Galeria Bielska BWA, Bielsko-Biała, Poland

– anomalia meteoropatyczne [meteoropathic anomalies], Wieża

  Ciśnień [water pressure tower], Bydgoszcz, Poland


Awards and scholarships

-award of the Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław / award of the Dolonośląskie Province Governor in the 7th Eugeniusz Geppert Contest

-six-month scholarship from the Polish Minister of Culture, 2005

-award of the critics from the Galeria Pokaz, 2005

-six-month scholarship from the Polish Minister of Culture and Antional Heritage, 2007

-the main award of the Pomorskie Province governor at TRANSVIZUALIA 007, Gdynia, Poland, 2007